Workers Comp Insurance

Finding the right Workers Comp Coverage can be tricky. We'll help make it easier for you.

What is Workers Comp Insurance?

Workers Compensation Insurance provides coverage for medical benefits and wage replacement for employees injured in the course of employment. You do not need to be at the workplace in order to be covered by workers compensation if the injury is job related, for example, while traveling for work, attending a work social function and even some long term injuries or diseases caused by the work environment.

Workers compensation pays full medical bills for the work related injury or illness including hospital stays, treatment, doctors’ visits, hospital stays, medical equipment and medication. The policy usually stipulates which doctor you can see. It also pays salary loss up to 2/3 of the salary if they fall info the following categories:

The injury sustained prevents the employee from working but for a certain amount of time.

The injury sustained prevents some job duties for a brief time period.

The injury or illness has caused the employee to not work at their current job or similar job any more.

The injury has caused permanent damage but only partially affects the employee’s ability to work. Workers compensation also offers rehabilitation benefits to help bring the employee back to work or to train for another position if they are unable to return to their current position.

Lastly, in the event of death caused by workplace injury or illness, workers compensation will pay a death expense of $7500. This benefit must be paid within 14 days of receiving the bill.

This is offered in exchange for mandatory relinquishment of the employee’s right to sue the employer. The state of Florida requires all employers to provide workers comp coverage for their employees. Workers compensation exemptions can only be issued to an officer of a corporation or a member of a limited liability company. Once the exemption is issued the member or officer is not eligible for benefits under workers compensation.

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Workers Comp: Why is it Important?

Workers compensation is a requirement in the state of Florida. In addition to being a requirement, this policy will protect the business owner from employee injuries and illnesses caused by their job duties. Workers compensation requirements vary by industry.

How Much Workers Comp Insurance is Needed?

Workers compensation policies all have the same coverages. The premium basis for the policies are based on the following: type of business, number of employees, job duties, location of business and prior claims information.